Gravity Falls – All Grown Up

Around the same time as last week’s Mabel drawing happened, I did a doodle of a grown up Pacifica Northwest and it ended up growing and growing until, well this happened. (Click the image to go to the image page and then click again to view full size.)
(No, I don’t know why you have to click so many times, I rarely do ‘click to enlarge’ on my posts since I don’t normally need people to be able to read small text. Apologies.)


A case study in why you should probably go ahead and ask your estranged daughter before planning a big engagement party for her first visit home in years.

(In my head, Pacifica (the blonde up there, for those who haven’t seen the show), left home when she turned 18 and hasn’t been back since. She barely speaks to her parents, but they continue to pretend nothing has changed in order to preserve appearances. She ended up going to the same college as Dipper and Mabel (the twins next to Pacifica) and since she and Dipper were becoming friends, spent a lot of time with them. Fast forward a couple of years, and she and Mabel are now good friends, and she and Dipper just got engaged. Pacifica made the mistake of letting her parents know that she’d gotten engaged, but declined to provide more details. They insisted that she bring her mystery man home for a visit in a few weeks and promised to behave themselves. Pacifica decided that maybe it was time to give them another chance, and reluctantly agreed. Her parents being the rich out-of-touch assholes that they are, decided this was a good time to show off their daughter being home and arranged a big showy engagement party without telling her. It didn’t go well.
Aaaaaand, scene!)

This monster took ages to finish – largely because I didn’t originally plan for it to be a comic page and had to go back and rework a bunch of things once I realized that was where I was heading. I’m sure I can still  fine-tune it in a lot of spots, but I think it’s time to move on to other projects.
I definitely learned a lot about how panels and speech bubbles work in Clip Studio in the process of making this, so overall I call it a win.

We should be back to Monster Girls again after this, and possibly some other bits and bobs along the way. Stay tuned!

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